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Coordinamento Comandanti Polizie Municipali Toscana

Polizia Municipale: ogni giorno, sul territorio, a servizio dei cittadini!

Welcome to the web-site of Coordinamento Comandanti Poizie Municipali Toscana !

This is not an official web-site.

This web-site is a point of meeting of all Chiefs of Municipal Polices of Tuscany.




is a web-site used by Coordinamento Comandanti Polizie Municipali Toscana to going around ideas ad other things.

Web-site realized and maintained by  Sergio Bedessi


Who we are

imgOn the 23rd December 2003, several Chiefs of Municipal Police wanted to join in the "Comitato Comandanti e Responsabili delle Polizie Municipali della Toscana". The aim was to represent necessities of local police and give support to Regione Toscana. 

Further the 8 founders other 41 chiefs of muncipal police joined to the Comitato Comandanti Polizie Municipali Toscana.

The Coordinamento Comandanti Polizie Municipali Toscana

On 21 January 2008, the Comitato ended its experiences. A group of  29 Chiefs decided to enroll themselves to Associazione Nazionale Comandanti ed Ufficiali Polizie Municipali (ANCUPM) and to build the COORDINAMENTO COMANDANTI POLIZIE MUNICIPALI TOSCANA.